Two members of Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb's family have been found COVID19 positive this evening. Both of them have been put into home quarantine.
As per the update came from the Chief Minister on his social media handle, he also underwent the COVID19 test and the report was yet to come.
"Two of my family members found COVID19 POSITIVE. Other family members found NEGATIVE. I have undergone COVID19 test, result is yet to come. I am following self isolation at my residence & all precautionary measures have been taken. Praying for the speedy recovery of family members," Deb tweeted.
The Chief Minister has put himself in self isolation and the entire official residence has been sanitized.
Earlier, a security personnel was found positive a few days ago.
Meanwhile, COVID19 death toll in the state has reached 28 with two more deaths confirmed on Monday.
According to official sources, while number of deaths spiked up to 28, fresh 131 new positive cases have been confirmed among 2684 samples were tested on Monday.
Total 596 samples from the backlog of survey samples have been tested on Monday and 21 out of them tested positive. Besides, out of 1640 samples tested from the hospitals, 100 persons found positive and 10 out of 448 samples tested in RT PCR have been found tested positive.
As of now, total 1,81,317 samples have been tested in the state- 1,06,297 in RTPCR and 75,020 in Rapid Antigen Test (RAT).
Meanwhile, 70 patients have been discharged from various Covid Care Centres after their test reports came negative on Monday. Total 5374 samples have been found positive in the state so far while 3675 patients have already recovered.