The third National Lok Adalat of the year will be held in the state on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Apart from the Tripura High Court, this Lok Adalat will be held at all district and sub-divisional court complexes across the State on the government holiday.
A total of 23,994 cases will be taken up for settlement in 51 benches. Of these, 3,920 cases are related to pre-existing disputes and 20,074 cases are pending in the courts.
A total of 370 motor accident compensation cases, 3,205 bank loan recovery cases, 17,777 compoundable criminal cases (MB Act, TP Act, TG Act, Excise Act), 286 matrimonial disputes, 1,601 cheque bounce cases, 11 service-related cases, and 16 civil cases will be taken up for settlement in the National Lok Adalat.
Of these, one bench will be set up in the Tripura High Court. 31 cases will be taken up for settlement in this bench. The highest number of benches, 11, will be set up in the Lok Adalat at the Agartala court complex.
Notices have already been issued to the parties involved in the cases.
Persons who have received notices for the Lok Adalat have been availing the pre-conciliation or settlement facility of the cases by contacting the respective district legal services authority and sub-divisional legal services authority offices since August 6.
Para-legal volunteers will assist those who have received notices and come to the Lok Adalat.
The Member-Secretary of the Tripura State Legal Services Authority, Jhuma Dutta Chowdhury, has appealed to all concerned to avail the facility of speedy and cost-free settlement of cases in the Lok Adalat.
(Tripura, Tripura News)