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3rd G20 University Connect Conference held in RGU

Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh organised 3rdG20University connect programme for North East Indiain collaboration with RIS (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Ministry of External Affairs and NETRA Foundation (North East Training, Research and Advocacy).

The Conference was held in the university as one of the selected 75 Universities across the country in for commemoration of the 75 years of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The program was mostly youth oriented to create awareness among the young students about the G20 summit and India’s Presidency for the year 2023 and also how it will affect them and what are the responsibilities they can take up as youths.

The inaugural program was graced by Chief Guest, Passang Dorjee Sona, Speaker, Legislative Assembly of Government of Arunachal Pradesh and who is also the chairman of the G20 summit in Arunachal Pradesh. He talked about the origin of the motto of the G20 summit 2023: VasudevaKuttambakam- One World, One Family. He said that the world here does not only mean the humans but everything that is in the world including the plants, animals, insects, resources and the humans. He also was of the opinion that the name G20 must be G21 actually inclusive of the vast African Union, total population of 1.4 billion people and their vast flora and fauna. The speakeralso focused mainly on the youths and their importance of confidence in them.

He quoted Swami Vivekananda ji “Whatever you think, you will be” and remarked that the youths today have become intelligent but also very fragile in mind to which he suggested the young students in the audience to be confident of them. He was of the opinion that the youths have become passive and just carry about without actually knowing or thinking of the affects and impacts of various issues and appealed that the youths introspect within and out deeply of the many events that occur and create an opinion of their own rather than just following about.

He further added that expressedtechnology and innovation comes with boons and banes and it is upon the person who is using it and how he is using it. “We as users, many times fail to use the technology and innovation responsibly which in turn affect the youths and their mental health. As it is said that with great power come great responsibility and therefore it is our responsibility to use it in a good manner with the knowledge of how it can harm you and your family” he embodied.

Ambassador Satbir Singh delivering his key note speech on G20 Indian Presidency talked a lots about Indian vision of leading the world. He added that the G20programs are not limited to the Government,but it should be taken to the common people of the country. He also talked about the vision our Prime minister, ShriNarendraModi vision of ONE World rather than first world or second world. The ambassador also talked in length about the role and duties of the people of our country to take the country forward in all directions. He talked about sustainable growth and how India can help in bringing the equity to it. He also highlighted the various agendas for G20 summit in alignment with the history of India.

TanaHali, MLA in his talks recollected the past of him travelling to Delhi and how it used to take them weeks to reach and now in comparison it takes only 6 hours to fly from Delhi to Kolkata and to reach Hollongi. He was elated about the technological advancement and innovation that has made our life a lot easier than it used to be. He suggested everyone to have a common goal and mindset for the betterment and development of the country.

Prof SaketKushwaha, Vice Chancellor in his speech quoted Mahatma Gandhi, our father of the nation who firmly believed that “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not one man’sgreed”. He said that our country has had the culture of sustainability ingrained in our culture since long time ago. It’s high time that we need to explore our culture of sustainability and take a collective step in bringing the world together. The VC added that it’s the duty of every citizen in building the economy of the country.

He stated that we as students must learn about the G20 not just as a group and program for the diplomats but as youths and students what we can do? What impact can we have on the world and the minimisation of our carbon footprint? He also said that we must not wait for other people to tell us what to do and order us but observe and acknowledge our duty and responsibilities ourselves.

Dr. N. T Rikam, Registrar of the university in his remarks talked about the history of G20 and the pride of India’s presidency. He added the various works that India has carried out so far in its presidency period.

In the beginning, Prof. KesangDegi, Governing Body Member of NETRA FoundationandCoordinator of the conference talked about the idea of the conference and the platform which is required to let the Youths know about the importance of G20 and how one can be a part of it. Dr.SayantanGhoal from RIS, New Delhi also spoke on the occasion.

Young startups of the state were felicitated by the speaker and encouraged of their innovative ideas in works. Stalls were set up displaying their works which was visited by many of the young students who are participating the conference. The young start-ups were House of Macnok, Hungriji/Dukandada, Mirroryasai, Mee Herbal, Itamoto Travel, Kangte, Oven Yumms, CK Bliss, Neorganics and GG Woods.

Dr. Sunil Koijam, member organising committee formally proposed the vote of thanks. A large numbers of college students in addition to the university’s studentsparticipated the conference.

Two unique technical sessions were conducted as a part of the conference. The first technical session was chaired by Prof. TomoRiba, Vice Chancellor of Arunachal University. Prof. SarsingGao from NERIST delivered a talk on “IT levering technology for a better future and Mr.SadiquueMannan delivered a talk on “Empowering Start-ups: Fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovations”. The second technical session witnessed the talks on “Gender Justice: Breaking Barriers, Building Equality” by Prof. Elizabeth Hangsing and “Indigenous knowledge system: preservation and promotions” by Prof. JumyirBasar both from RGU. The session was chaired by Prof. T. Lhungdim.

An engaging question and answer session was also conducted with all the start-ups where in many of the young participants asked many valid questions.

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