Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Monday said more four lakh doses of COVID19 vaccine would be reaching very soon.
“The state has so far received 13,18,000 doses. More 4 lakh doses will arrive soon”, the Chief Minister said during a press conference at BJP state office in Agartala.
One more death, 271 found Covid positive
300-bed Covid Centre in TMC soon
1800 beds available, more 1100 beds are being prepared
Dispelling confusion among the people, Deb also stated that the Government had already placed an order for vaccination of the people of 18 to 44 age groups.
Besides, replying to a query, Deb stated that there was no political discrimination in supplying vaccine to the North East states. The vaccines were being supplied based on priority, he added.
According to the Chief Minister, Tripura was holding first position in the country in terms of COVID19 vaccination.
“We are holding the first position in terms of COVID19 vaccination. Someday, we have vaccinated even more than one lakh people,” Deb claimed.
Speaking on COVID19 management, the Chief Minister said that all necessary arrangements were already put in place to deal in case of any emergency.
“A 300-bed Covid Care Centre is being set up at Tripura Medical College. At present, 1800 beds for COVID19 patients are available while more 1100 beds are being prepared,” Deb said, adding that safety equipment including masks, sanitizer, gloves, PPE kits were available in adequate numbers.
Speaking to the Media, Deb also said that a 600-litre Oxygen Plant (liquid) would come up while every district hospital including Khumulwng would get Oxygen Plant soon.
In the meantime, one more COVID19 death and 271 fresh positive cases were reported in the state during the past 24 hours. A total of 5385 samples were tested—4123 RAT and 1262 in RTPCR.