Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, once again, urged the youths to get involved in sports activities to shun the addiction. The Sports sector in Tripura is gaining new heights under the leadership of a young and dynamic Minister.
“Playground can keep the youth away from the hands of addiction which is why the youth have to involved more with sports”, Deb said after inaugurating Swargiya Hirudhan Deb Smriti Knock-out Tennis Cricket Tournament at MBB College located in College Tilla, Agartala on Tuesday.
He also interacted with the youth and apprised them about various initiatives taken by #Tripura govt to promote sports in the state.
Total 60 teams are participating in the tournament. In the opening match, Youth Thansa of the South district faced S.G Construction.
At the beginning of the programme, the Chief Minister paid floral tribute to the image of his father Late Hirudhan Deb.
Then he hoisted the tournament flag and met with players of both teams.
The Chief Minister in the programme said, the state government is uncompromisingly working to prevent the use of illicit drugs and HIV infection. The state government has taken the initiative to take the youngsters of this generation towards a new direction through building a developed Tripura.
Mission 100 Vidyajyoti Schools is a new path towards making a bright future for the youngsters of the state. The Chief Minister also said, MBB College is one historic college of the state. He urged everyone including the students of the college upon maintaining the good name of the architect of New Tripura, Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya.
Other dignitaries present in the programme were President of Tripura Cricket Association Dr. Manik Saha, Youth Affairs & Sports Minister Sushanta Choudhury, Mayor of Agartala Municipal Corporation Dipak Majumdar, Chairman of Tripura Tea Development Corporation Santosh Saha, and Vice-Chancellor of MBE College Prof. Satyadeo Poddar. The Chief Minister lauded the management committee of the tournament.