Indefinite strike at Kanchanpur sub-division in North Tripura continues as a meeting between JMC delegates and MLA Bhagaban Das to end the ongoing impasse concluded inconclusive on Monday. However, JMC chairman Dr Zairemthiama Pachuau seemed to be hopeful even as no written assurance to implement the demands as raised by the JMC was given to agitating leaders, so far.
“There are many things that require to be considered and we will soon strategize as to how to carry forward the movement”, said Dr Pachuau after the meeting.
Sources said, heavy weight BJP leaders of North Tripura including Minister Santana Chakma and Deputy Speaker Biswbandhu Sen were supposed to meet the JMC leaders at Kanchanpur but due to some unknown reasons they did cancel their trip and MLA Bhagaban Das held the meeting.
According to JMC leaders, as the MLA communicated to them, both leaders got stuck in some urgent party affairs and they might visit Kanchanpur soon to sit on the table of dialogue.
Dr Pachuau said, “We are open for discussion. Primarily we have placed all our concerns before the MLA and he has given us a verbal assurance of considering our demands in relating to resettlement of the Bru refugees. But, no written assurances have been forwarded yet from the side of the government”.
According to sources, the meeting was more like a private affair rather than an administrative meeting since no officials attended the meeting but remain present outside the closed-door discussions.
On being asked specifically on the continuation of the indefinite shutdown, Dr Pachuau said, “The strategy of the movement may change. Another round of consultation with the MLA is on the cards that may continue till late night. The JMC will not leave any stone unturned to get its voice heard loud and clear but then there are many crucial factors that are coming into play that are also needed to be considered”.
He also expressed concerns over some mischievous campaigns aimed to give this movement a communal colour and he and his organization would work hard to prevent those malicious campaigns.
On the other hand, protests were on all throughout the sub-division. The JMC activists gathered in front of the SDM office on Monday and demonstrated there for a while. The Mizo Convention of Tripura, on the other hand, continued its shutdown in the 10 villages located in the Jampui hills. Experts in the field of conflict studies explained this movement as a movement against demographic invasion and cautioned that it might continue for a longer period.