covid spike jrbt postpones recruitment exams corona curfew likely
Tripura News Briefcase

Covid spike: JRBT postpones recruitment exams, 'Corona Curfew' likely

Covid spike: Recruitment exams for Gr C, D postponed 

The Joint Recruitment Board of Tripura has postponed its scheduled examinations for the recruitment of Group-C and D posts, according to a notification.


The decision that came in view of the recent spurt in COVID19 cases disappointed a good number of job aspirants who were excited with this recruitment drive. The examinations for Group-D and C were scheduled to be held on April 24 and 25 respectively.


A notification said, “In view of the recent uprising trend in Covid-19 cases and concerns from different corners, the written examination for the posts of Multi-Tasking Staff (Group-D) and Group-C with reference to the advertisement No. 02/2020 dated 3rd December, 2020 and Advertisement No. 01/2020 dated 27h November, 2020 (Revision of Adv 01/2020 dated 12th February, 2021) by the Joint Recruitment Board of Tripura (JRBT) under Directorate of Employment Services and Manpower Planning (DESMP), Government of Tripura scheduled to be held 24th and 25th April, 2021 respectively is hereby postponed until further orders.”


Meanwhile, a day before the decision came, Education minister Ratanalal Nath had said in a press conference that the state government was all set to conduct the examinations with all safety measures in place.


According to Nath, 55,645 aspirants were enrolled for the Group-C examination while the number of candidates for Group-C posts was 1,04,200. The Group examinations were set to be conducted in 694 centres covering all blocks on April 24 and 25 next.

'Corona Curfew' likely 

As the number of COVID cases is showing an ominous upward trend, the administration is very likely to impose ‘Corona Curfew’ to contain further spread of the virus.


According to sources, the administration is almost ready to go for the Corona curfew, in the form of night curfew, from April 22 next though the final decision yet to come.


Besides, there is a strong anticipation among the people that an announcement on another phase of lockdown may come off anytime from the state government since the COVID19 is continuing to spread its roots very quickly. In some parts of the city, a good number of people have been found to be in hurry for marketing in anticipation of the lockdown.

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