A tragic incident unfolded in Tripura's Khowai district on Sunday, as three children - two boys and one girl - lost their lives in a drowning accident, while another boy remains in critical condition.
Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha condoled the tragic death of the three children and extended sympathy to the bereaved family members.
In a social media post, Dr Saha wrote, I am deeply saddened by the death of three innocent children, Mautusi Das (12), Ankush Nama (7) and Khushi Roy (10), who drowned in the water while taking a bath in the river Khowai in the area adjacent to Paharmura Bridge in Khowai district today. My deepest condolences to the bereaved families. Praying to God to give the bereaved families strength to bear the pain.
I appeal to all parents to be a little more careful with children to avoid accidents".
According to a police spokesperson, the unfortunate incident occurred while the children, aged between 6 and 12 years, were bathing in the Khowai river.
In a twist of fate, Ayan Das, a six-year-old boy, was fortunately rescued by his grandfather, who was present at the scene along with the four children.
Responding promptly to the distress call, personnel from the Tripura Fire and Emergency Services, aided by local residents, swiftly retrieved the bodies of the three deceased children from the river. The bodies were subsequently transported to a government hospital, where medical professionals declared them brought dead, as stated by the police spokesperson.
Hailing from the West Tripura district, the children had visited their uncle's residence in Paharmura to partake in a social gathering.
This heart-wrenching incident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of water safety, particularly during recreational activities.
Authorities are urging the public to exercise caution and remain vigilant near water bodies, ensuring the safety of themselves and their loved ones. Investigations into the circumstances surrounding the incident are underway, and the local community is extending their support to the grieving families during this difficult time.