Chief Minister of Tripura Dr. Manik Saha announced on Sunday that the state's traditional attire, 'RISHA,' has been officially granted the Geographical Indication (GI) registration, commonly known as the GI tag - a significant cultural achievement for the state.
This recognition not only celebrates the rich heritage of Tripura but also highlights the efforts of the Chief Minister in preserving and promoting the unique cultural identity of the state.
The GI tag for 'RISHA' not only safeguards the traditional craftsmanship and authenticity of the attire but also opens doors for economic opportunities and increased visibility on the national and international stage.
On X, formerly known as Twitter, the Chief Minister wrote that ‘Tripura Risa’ is getting GI (Geographical Indication) Tag.
“Heartiest congratulations to all artisans particularly those from Killa Mahila Cluster promoted by TRLM on ‘Tripura Risa’ getting GI (Geographical Indication) Tag. This will definitely help our signature garment to get international recognition”, he wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.
The Killa Mahila Cluster Level Federation (CLF) of Gomati District, supported by Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission (TRLM), has done the registration of RISHA under Geographical Indication (GI).
Risha is known for its surprising and stylish designs, exclusive multicoloured combinations and lasting texture. It also carries a great significance in their art of Tripuri. The Tripuri tribal women make all the fabrics including Risha with the help of waist loom. They make Risha with multicoloured warp and weft threads on this loom and create the most amazing and stylish designs.