Governor of Tripura, Indrasena Reddy Nallu, on Monday ventured into a ‘historic visit’, to a remote tribal village, namely, West Gobinda Bari under Chawmanu RD block in Dhalai, an aspirational district.
The area lacks basic amenities like road, rail, power, water, and telephone connectivity.
However, undeterred, the Governor travelled by car for a portion of the journey and then trekked through the steep hill terrain, accompanied by senior officials including the district magistrate, superintendent of police of Dhalai district, ADM of the district, SDM of Longtharai sub-division, CRPF, Police, and officials from several departments under the state government.
During the meeting with the villagers in a brief interactive function, Governor Indra Sena Reddy Nallu said that in compliance with the Prime Minister’s vision for overall development of the most backward areas of the country, the central government has initiated an ambitious development program for aspirational districts, aspirational blocks.
In this direction, travelling to remote areas, particularly tribal inhabited areas, so as to get to know about problems and challenges and take further initiatives to address the problems of those people is necessary.
So, the Governor said, he has decided to visit three villages in Dhalai district, one of which is Rajmoni Rowaja Para in West Gobindabari,
During his interaction with the villagers, the Governor inquired about their concerns and challenges.
The villagers, who had never seen a Governor visit to their village in the last three decades, shared their problems and grievances.
They raised various issues related to roads, drinking water, electricity and mobile networks. The Governor listened to each and every matter thoroughly and instructed the concerned departments to complete them expeditiously.
Saju Vaheed, DM took the opportunity to explain various central and state government schemes to the villagers and assured them of timely resolution to their issues.
The Governor continued his outreach tour on Tuesday by visiting another interior village, demonstrating his commitment to connecting with the people of Tripura.
(Tripura, Tripura News)