Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has unveiled a statue of Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore in front of Umakanta Academy – the educational institution set by during the princely era. The unveiling programme was held in Agartala amidst the presence of present and former students of Umakanta Academy.
Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore had a special attachment with the Umakanta Academy, set up by the then Maharaja Birchandra Manikya for development of education during that period.
Notably, Kabiguru’s statue was first unveiled at Umakanta Academy in 1961 on his birth anniversary. But, some of the unruly youths had demolished the statue in 70s.
Addressing the ceremony, the Chief Minister said, “Our country stands tall before the world based on its rich cultures and traditions. India is the land of many great figures like Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.”
“The foundation of our culture is so strong. Even, the British rulers had failed to destroy country’s ancient culture during 200 years of rule,” the Chief Minister pointed out.
Deb said, “Before formation of the BJP-IPFT government in 2018, there was special culture in Tripura-- the contributions of Kings and Maharajas in the field of education were never given recognition. But, the present government is honouring them through various initiatives.”
In this reference, the Chief Minister said that the lost glory of traditional Yatra was revived in the rural parts after formation of the new government. Besides, the state government had initiated a plan to set up a cultural hub of Rs. 200 crore and also arranged land for setting up of Lalitkala Academy’s branch at Nazrul Kalakhsetra.
Education minister Ratanlal Nath was present in the ceremony as special guest while a detailed speech on the initiative was delivered by Sebak Bhattacharjee, who is considered to be the man behind this prolonged movement of re-unveiling Kabiguru’s statue at Umakanta Academy.
The welcome address was delivered by general secretary of Alumni Association, Umakanta Academy- Subhasis Majumder while a former student of the school and former chief engineer of Indian Railways- Ashes Kumar Debbarman also spoke in the ceremony. MLA Surajit Dutta and president of Umakanta Academy’s Alumni Association Dr. Baharul Islam Majumder were also present in the programme.