The Tripura unit of CPI-M on Thursday cleared its stance on the Bru refugee resettlement issue and told the government to ensure that interest of local inhabitants should not be hampered and lands with forest cover should not be utilized while implementing the quadripartite pact of Bru resettlement in the State.
In a statement State unit of CPI-M held the present government responsible for ongoing crisis and subsequent indefinite general strike in Kanchanpur sub-division under North Tripura district. The strike was called by two local organizations protesting against mass Bru resettlement in Kanchanpur subdivision.
The party argued that CPI-M party was consistently approaching the successive central governments since 1999 to resolve the issue of Bru refugees who had taken shelter in Tripura in 1997 following ethnic clashes in Mizoram.
“The BJP government after assuming the charge signed a quadripartite agreement to settle the refugees here in Tripura without even showing any courtesy to discuss the issue the main opposition party of the state”, the statement read.
CPI-M statement further said, despite persistent efforts by erstwhile Left Front Government, neither the Central Government nor the Mizoram Government took initiatives to create favourable ambience so that Brus could settle at their native places.
| Also Read : Stir against Bru resettlement intensifies |
“However, the Government should now resolve the present tension arising as fallout of the resettlement decision in an amicable manner”, the party statement read.
Raising a demand of resettling the Brus through a transparent and unanimous way, the party said, “The protestors deserve a fair chance to place their demands before the government. We expect a meeting between the agitators who are vehemently opposing the resettlement at large-scale and holding indefinite strike at Kanchanpur and the government immediately. During the meeting the Government must pay heed to the demands of local inhabitants – the Bengalis, Mizos and other indigenous people. Their views should be given some respect”.
CPI-M statement strongly highlighted that Bru resettlement deal must not be implemented at the cost of interests of the locals. “”It should be ensured that interests of locals are not compromised for rehabilitation of Bru refugees”, the statement read.
And, while earmarking areas for resettlement, areas with no forest cover and unutilized government Khas lands should be given preference”.
The party also raised concerns over the serious economic impact of the indefinite strike at this juncture.