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Tripura News Briefcase

Kokborok script issue: Tripura CPIM blames BJP-RSS for playing divisive politics

In response to the ‘bandh’ called by the Tipra Indigenous Students Federation (TISF), the student wing of the TIPRA Motha Party (TMP), over the Kokborok language script issue, the opposition CPI-M held a press conference on Monday. They pointed the finger at the ruling BJP government, accusing them of instigating this unusual situation.

CPI-M state secretary, Jitendra Chaudhuri, expressed his concerns about the BJP and the RSS’s alleged attempts to sow division within the state. He claimed that the BJP had incited the TISF’s actions, which led to disruptions in rail and road services. He further accused the government of creating chaos by disallowing the Roman script for the Kokborok language, a choice that has been prevalent in TBSE examinations for the past 17 years.

Chaudhuri continued his allegations, stating that the BJP and the RSS, with their main agenda of creating a ‘Hindu Rashtra’, are trying to impose the Hindi language nationwide. He claimed that both the BJP government and the TTAADC administration are pushing the state towards an unstable situation, causing distress among the people.

He further criticized the government, stating, “Previously, the BJP and the RSS had incited the Janajati Suraksha Manch to create division among the tribals in the state by advocating for the removal of ST status for Christian converted tribals. This is a clear example of the BJP and the RSS’s divisive politics.”

Chaudhuri also alleged that the BJP has begun targeting the opposition, particularly the CPI-M, with terror tactics in light of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He claimed that three CPI-M party offices in Amarmur, Shantirbazar, and Sonamura were recently vandalized and set ablaze, causing fear among the people.

Referring to the BJP’s declining vote share from 51% in 2018 to 40% in the 2023 assembly election, Chaudhuri accused the BJP of attempting to spread fear across the state ahead of the Lok Sabha election.

He concluded by saying, “During our state committee meeting, we decided that the CPI-M will not allow the BJP to continue their divisive politics and conspiracies. We plan to unite all democratic forces and contest the two Lok Sabha seats here to remove the BJP from power.”

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