Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb discussed various important issues like resumption of suspended train services, setting up of permanent jetty at Sonamura, relocating transit camp at Charilam under NERPSIP during his meetings with the several Union Ministers in Delhi on Thursday.
As part of his Delhi visit, the Chief Minister met Defence Minister Ranjath Singh, Minister of Railways Piyush Goyal, Minister of State for Power R.K. Singh and Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways- Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday.
In his meetings with the Union Ministers, Deb discussed several important issues relating to state’s development.
Deb’s discussion with the Defence Minister included setting up of Sainik School in Tripura. As Deb wrote on his official social media handle, Tripura Government already proposed funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission for setting up Sainik School in the state.
The Defence Minister laid stress on implementation of SETUK for construction of roads in bordering areas and sought cooperation from the Tripura Government in this regard. On this note, the Tripura Chief Minister has assured full support to the Ministry of Defence.
The Chief Minister also called on Union Minister for Railways, Commerce and Industries- Piyush Goyal. Deb extended his gratitude to Goyal for supporting the rubber sector in the state.
The Chief Minister also requested the Railways Minister for resumption of DEMU/ Express train services and all the train services which were suspended due to pandemic and expediting the work of Sabroom yard and road under bridge, and for re-scheduling the timing of Deoghar Express to make it more convenient for the pilgrims.
He also held discussions on expediting the survey works for connectivity in North Tripura, alternative rail link from Dharmanagar to Belonia and Feni-Belonia rail link. The Union Minister assured of all support of the Ministry.
In his discussion with the Union Minister of State (I/C) for Power, New and Renewable Energy, Deb requested for extension of power sharing agreement for sale of 160 MW power to Bangladesh beyond March, 2021.
The CM also requested for approval for relocating a transit camp at Charilam under NER Power System Improvement Project (NERPSIP), continuation of 132 KV transmission line from Palatana to Surjamaninagar during the up-gradation of Surjamani nagar sub-station to 400 KV and continued evacuation of power to Bangladesh from Surjamaninagar (TSECL) Sub-station through the existing 132 KV line. The Union Minister assured that his Ministry would extend full support to the state government for the proposals.
The Chief Minister also called on Union Minister for Ports, Shipping and Waterways- Mansukh Mandaviya and requested him for expediting the works of setting up of permanent inland jetty/terminal at Sonamura including dredging, raising the bridge height etc.
He also requested that the proposal for transport of Pineapple from state to other parts of the country through waterways may be fast-tracked.