Tripura's Chief Minister, Prof. Dr. Manik Saha, has launched a special campaign to apprehend drug kingpins to tackle the growing drug menace that is plaguing the state. The Chief Minister has urged the general public to actively join hands in creating a movement against this problem.
Dr. Saha inaugurated the celebration of the 55th National Service Scheme (NSS) Day 2023 and presided over a seminar on "NESHA MUKT TRIPURA" organized by the NSS Cell at Rabindra Satabarsiki Bhavan on Sunday.
Addressing the attendees, Dr. Saha stressed the pivotal role of education and knowledge in shaping a brighter future. He drew a parallel with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's engagement with students and highlighted the value of learning from him.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi consistently interacts with the students, and today, I also tuned in to PM Modi's 'Mann ki Baat.' He has a unique way of presenting aspects that were previously unknown to us. He always keeps the youth in mind, which constitutes around 65% of our population and is an unparalleled resource," said Dr. Saha.
Dr. Saha pointed out the alarming presence of conspiracies aimed at undermining the youth by facilitating the smuggling of drugs from Myanmar, Mizoram, and Tripura to Bangladesh.
"The primary objective of the 'Nasha Mukt Tripura' campaign is to respond to numerous pleas from concerned citizens who wish to rescue their children from the clutches of drug addiction. Entire families are suffering due to this issue, and our government has taken several initiatives, including numerous arrests. Our ongoing efforts are geared toward capturing the drug kingpins. We urge people to come forward by identifying those involved in drug trafficking, as it will significantly contribute to our fight against this pervasive issue," Dr. Saha stated.
The Chief Minister emphasized that drug abuse is a grave problem in the state, causing substantial harm to families. He asserted that a section of individuals is conspiring to smuggle drugs from Myanmar, passing through Tripura to Bangladesh, with the intention of destroying the youth of the country.
Dr. Saha also called upon National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers to actively engage in the battle against the drug menace, highlighting the importance of their contribution to this cause.
The event was attended by Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Tinku Roy, Secretary Dr. PK Chakraborty, Sh. Jangjilong, Regional Director of the Regional Directorate of NSS in Guwahati, Brigadier JP Tiwari, Director of Sainik Welfare, and other dignitaries.