Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb extended greetings to the editors of all the media, journalists and persons associated with different media on the occasion of the National Press Day on Tuesday.
In his message, Deb mentioned the history and significance of the National Press Day and said, Mass media is one of the important platforms of the democracy. Freedom of press is necessary to keep the base of the democracy strong. The State Government sincerely believes in the freedom of journalists and media.
He expressed hope that the cordial relation between the Government and the media will continue and the media will play a positive role in making people aware about the developmental initiatives of the Government.
Information and Cultural Affairs Minister Sushanta Choudhury also greeted the media fraternity on the occasion of the National Press Day.
Reiterating that Government is committed to free press policy, he said, National Press Day is symbolic of responsible press. On this Day I would hope that media would discharge its responsibility impartially and honestly.
The National Press Day was observed in different place in Tripura with much enthusiasm.
Journalists of Belonia in South district observed the day with a programme held at Belonia with the initiative of Belonia Press Club, where the Additional Director of the Information and Cultural Affair department of South District Ripon Chakma, Belonia Press Club president Snehashish Chakraborty among others were present.
Speaking on the occasion on Tuesday, Ripon Chakma said that the first and foremost task of a journalist is to stand by the oppressed people. He wished the journalists’ good health and long life as they move forward with the profession.
Besides, the other officials of the press club while addressing the journalists had urged upon them to make a content of objective news and maintain neutrality in the news items rather than leaning towards yellow journalism.
In a separate programme, the National Press Day was observed at Charilam under Sepahijala. Several social welfare activities were held under the initiative of Bishalgarh Press Club on the occasion of the National Press Day.