new space odyssey flies indias celestial ambitions to newer heights says hm amit shah

New space odyssey flies India's celestial ambitions to newer heights, says HM Amit Shah

Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation,   Amit Shah, congratulated all the citizens of the country, as well as the tireless effort and meticulous planning of the team Chandrayaan, on the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 at the designated time and location on the moon. In his video message, Union Home Minister expressed gratitude to Prime Minister   Narendra Modi for bringing a new space policy to envisage India's space mission.


Home Minister said that India has achieved tremendous success in the field of space during Azadi ka Amritkal, and it is a moment of great pride for all of us. He credited the efforts of the country's scientists and engineers for bringing glory to India on the global stage.   Shah said that with the Chandrayaan-3 mission, India has become the fourth country to land on the moon and the first country to land on the southern pole of the moon. He added that the Chandrayaan-3 mission will help unveil the mysteries of the southern pole of the moon.   Shah said that Amritkal is auspicious for the space sector and India's future, and today's Chandrayaan-3 mission signifies it. He said that today is a day of great pride for all the citizens.


  Amit Shah said that under the new space policy of the Modi government, 55 spacecraft and 50 launch vehicle missions have been undertaken during the last decade. India set a record by launching 104 satellites simultaneously, became the first country to reach Mars on its first attempt, and now achieved success with the Chandrayaan-3 mission as well. He added that the reforms undertaken by the Modi government in the space sector in 2020 have provided opportunities to private players, which will accelerate our mission.


Union Home Minister said that the new space odyssey flies India's celestial ambitions to newer heights, setting it apart as the world's launchpad for space projects. He added that it is unlocking a gateway to space for Indian companies, and will create a plethora of employment opportunities for our youths.

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