Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb stressed on developing a positive mindset to win in the life struggle. He exhorted students to think about success passionately and sincerely and stride forward. “If you can remove the term ‘tough’ from your thought process, success is yours”, Deb said while speaking at a programme to distribute Chief Minister Annual State Award for Academic Excellence to School students-2020.
The programme was organized by State Education department in Agartala on Friday. A total of 92 students received the Awards in today’s programme.
Stressing on the significance of positive mental attitude, the Chief Minister cited the example of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and urged students to be self-confident and sincere.
“Whenever a scheme is being launched, it is imperative to evaluate the scheme. Students are already getting benefits of the schemes launched by the incumbent Government in the Education department. The pass-rates in Madhyamik and Higher Secondary exams are higher in 2020 compared to 2018. Pass-rate among the students belonging to indigenous communities and schools in TTAADC areas have also improved”, Deb said.
He asserted, “Not just in the education sector, the State Government has introduced several schemes in different sectors which would help the State to attain higher growth and people would be benefitted. The State Government is committed to expediting implementation of welfare projects”. Deb also pointed out that per capita income of people has increased, the standard of living is up and socio-economic condition of farmers has also witnessed improvement during the tenure of the incumbent Government.
In his speech, Deb also talked about transparency in governance. Besides, Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath and other dignitaries also spoke on the occasion.