Tripura witnessed rampant political violence during the Congress-led and CPIM-led governments, said Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha and added BJP government, inspired and guided by the Prime Minister, worked for development of the State rising above the party lines.
Dr Saha is regularly conducting voters outreach programmes and meeting individual voters of his 8-Town Bordwali Assembly constituency. He was elected from this constituency in by-poll in June 2022.
Talking about the poll alliance between the Congress and CPIM, the Chief Minister said, they had a secret friendship and now the relationship has been exposed after the announcement of the alliance between them.
Despite the secret understanding, both parties were involved in violence, arson and vandalism during their respective regimes.
People have not forgotten the massacre of CPIM activists at Birchandra Manu and other places during the Congress-TUJS government. Also murders of Congress leaders and MLAs like Parimal Saha are vivid in the memory of people, Dr Manik Saha said.
"People of the State will not accept this alliance", he said during a door to door campaign in Masterpara area under Town Bordwali constituency on Sunday (January 22).
Dr Saha also highlighted achievements of BJP-led Government which emphasized holistic development of people of the State.
"Tripura is marching forward under the able leadership and guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi", he said and appealed to all to support the BJP in the polls for unhindered development.
During the interaction with the voters, the Chief Minister listened to people's demands, feedbacks and grievances. He also inquired about implementation of government's welfare measures and services.
Interacting with the media about BJP's alliance partner on Saturday, Dr Manik Saha said IPFT was an ally and BJP never dump an ally. If willing, IPFT may maintain the alliance. On possibility of an alliance with Tipra Motha, he commented doors are open for discussion.