Former Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, who submitted his nomination papers on Monday as BJP nominee, will take on CPI-M led Left Front candidate and former Tripura Finance Minister Bhanulal Saha in the September 22 elections to the lone Rajya Sabha seat in the state.
Deb, 51, accompanied by Chief Minister Manik Saha, Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma, Union Minister Pratima Bhowmik, BJP state party President Rajib Bhattacharjee, submitted his candidature to the returning officer S. Mog. Deb's election to the Rajya Sabha is almost certain as the ruling BJP (36) along with its ally -- Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (8) -- has the strength of 44 in the 60-member Assembly while the opposition CPI-M has 15 MLAs.
Expressing his gratitude to the Central leadership, Deb tweeted, "Submitted my nomination as a BJP candidate for the Rajya Sabha election from Tripura. Tripura CM Shri Manik Saha, Dy CM Jishnu Dev Varma, MoS, Sushree Pratima Bhowmik, Cabinet Ministers, Chief Whip, MLAs and party colleagues accompanied me for filing nomination."
Before nominating Deb as Rajya Sabha candidate, earlier on Friday, BJP President J.P. Nadda appointed him as the state observer of Haryana. On May 14, Deb stepped down from the post of Chief Minister following the directions of the Central leaders. The BJP, however, is yet to disclose why Deb was removed from the top post.
Dental surgeon-turned-politician Manik Saha, who became Chief Minister on May 15, and was elected to the Assembly in the June 23 by-elections, resigned from the Rajya Sabha on July 4, causing the vacancy.
The lone Congress MLA Sudip Roy Barman, according to the party sources, is likely to support the CPI-M led Left Front nominee in the RS polls. The election officials would scrutinise the nomination papers on Tuesday and the counting of votes for the September 22 elections would take place on the same day.