Miscreants brutally attacked and hacked BJP’s SC Morcha Mandal president of Banamalipura Assembly Constituency in Agartala on Tuesday morning. An FIR against five persons were lodged and Police, in a prompt action arrested two of the culprits while chase for the remaining accused persons is on.
In a recent social media post from Tripura Police handle mentioned, “One Suman Das was attacked this morning by a sharp cutting weapon in the Aralia Area, Agartala. He could identify and share the names of two attackers during treatment. Both of them have been arrested”.
Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha strongly condemned the attack. Dr Saha, a Maxillofacial surgeon, went to inquire about the victim – Suman Das at the GB Hospital in Agartala today. Rajya Sabha MP Biplab Kumar Deb abd Assembly Speaker Ratan Chakraborty also rushed to the Hospital.
| Watch Video on CM's reaction |
Dr Saha slammed the Congress and its ally in Tripura CPIM saying that people witnessed enough of the violence in politics during their regime. People were freed from such gruesome politics after 2018 election when BJP came into the power in Tripura.
He continued and said, on the eve of 2023 Assembly polls, Congress and CPIM are trying to bring back the black days of the past – however, this will not be tolerated. He asserted that while Police will take legal actions, BJP will take on the opposition politically.
The Chief Minister took a jibe at Congress-CPIM alliance dubbing it as ‘Bamgress’ and said, “People threw out the Communists from power in 2018, but now as the elections are approaching the ‘Bamgress’ evil force is once again active to create violence and disturbances”.
Pointing fingers at the Congress and CPIM, Dr Saha said, they often raise allegation of deteriorating law and order condition in the State – actually, they are themselves responsible for this, if there is law and order issue in the State.
Biplab Kumar Deb also strongly condemned the attack of party activist Suman Das. After visiting Das in the GB Hospital today, Deb praised the spirit of Suman Das who could recall the attackers even after severely beaten up and hacked by sharp weapons.
“After losing public confidence, the desperate Communists and Congress-backed goons launched a deadly attack on Banamalipur Mandal SC Morcha president Suman Das today. The people of Tripura will give the attackers - who are accused of killing relatives out of hunger for power - a befitting reply.