Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has passed an instruction to Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar for preparing a project covering all the entrepreneurs who initiated fish farming through Bioflock technology.
The Chief Minister said, “Demand for fish farming through Bioflock technology is increasing in state. There is a possibility of fish trade (through Bioflock) amounting to Rs. 400 crore in the next one and half years.”
He was addressing the 133rd meeting of the State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) at Civil Secretariat on Wednesday.
As the demand for use of Bioflock continues to increase, the Chief Minister has asked the banks for providing loans through KCC to the entrepreneurs looking for fish farming with this technology.
The Chief Minister also said, the banks have a major role to play for making people Swanirbhar and there is a need to simplify the loan process so that the loan seekers don’t face harassment while going through the process.
He said the state government is working with specific plans to support the primary sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and rubber cultivation.
“The banks need to extend support to the people involved in such primary sectors so that they can become Swanirbhar,” Deb said.
DGM of Punjab National Bank Anand Kumar said the banks set target for 100 percent disbursement in every sector under the Annual Credit Plan.
In the current year till September, the banks had disbursed a total Rs. 2267.77 crore for loans to Agriculture, MSME and other primary sectors, he said.
Importantly, under the Pradhan Mantri Street Vendor Atmanirbhar Nidhi and Mukhyamantri Swanirbhar Yojana, total 1982 loans were sanctioned till September this year, he said.
Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar, general manager of RBI’s Agartala branch Tamal Biswas and many other officials and bank representatives were present in the meeting.