Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb breathed fire at the Left parties and said, at a time when the country is progressing towards inclusive growth under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Maoists and Communists are creating chaos in some parts. Continuing his verbal tirade, Deb said ‘exploiting poor section is the real face of communist party’.
The Chief Minister said this while attending a programme at Chellagang in Nutan Bazar in Tripura on Monday.
“While the Prime Minister is leading the country towards development, the communists and Maoists are creating chaos in various parts,” he said, adding that the previous left front government had pushed people backwards in the name of protests and agitation.
Even, the previous government only used to raise pro-farmer slogans but never worked in their favour in true sense. But after the formation of BJP-IPFT government, he said, Tripura was now marching towards development.
“Now, the farmers in Tripura are becoming self-reliant. As many as 2.2 lakh farmers are receiving the direct benefit of Rs. 6000 each per year under the centrally-sponsored scheme- Kisan Samman Nidhi,” he said adding that the state government had introduced Mukhyamantri Fasal Bima Yojana to cover the farmers who were not receiving central benefits.
In the meantime, the Chief Minister received a huge response from the common people when he arrived at Chellagang for inaugurating the new health facility. The new building of 10-bedded Chellagang Primary Health Centre has been constructed at a total cost of Rs. 1,65,52,700.
After inaugurating the new PHC building, Deb said a section attempts to misguide the people on the state's health system while the state is progressing in every field like- healthcare, education, infrastructure, road connectivity and industry.
In this context, he claimed, Tripura is the only state in the entire country where 116 PHCs have direct links with the state secretariat. The services being provided form such PHCs are being directly monitored by the Health Directorate.
In the beginning, everyone in attendance observed a one-minute silence on demise of Padmashree awardee Beni Chandra Jamatia.
MLA Burbo Mohan Tripura, Director of Health and Family Welfare department- Dr. Radha Debbarma, DM Gomati Debapriya Bardhan and others were present at the inaugural ceremony which was presided over by Ashim Saha, BAC chairman of Karbook block.