Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb exuded confidence that the BJP-IPFT alliance would win in all of the 28 seats of the District Council in upcoming April 6 polls. Deb was addressing an election rally at Chinibagan area in Kailashshar under Unakoti district on Monday. Among others, Padma Shri Thanga Darlong graced the dias with him.
Deb is holding whirlwind campaign across the State to ensure his party’s good show in the ensuing polls and confidently he said BJP-IPFT would secure victory in all 28 seats of the TTAADC despite all odds.
Deb said, “Some people may mislead people with lollipops during election time. But, the BJP-IPFT alliance will not only win all 28 ADC seats in the ensuing polls but also secure victory in all sixty constituencies in the next assembly elections. The communists will not even get a single seat in 2023 assembly polls.”
“The communists had been running mass exploitation in the ADC in the name of Gana Mukti Parishad. Even in 2005-06, the cadre contractors had fled away after misappropriating huge funds meant for road construction. However, the state government has now decided to construct and renovate 68 ADC roads,” Deb told the gathering.
Addressing the people of Kailashahar, the place well known its tea gardens, Deb said the tea estates were almost sinking during the communist rule.
They (the communists) used to encourage the tea workers for protests as well as exploit the garden owners at the same time, Deb pointed out.
“Earlier, the maximum price for Tripura’s tea in Kolkata’s auction market was only Rs. 147 per kg. Now, the price has gone up to Rs. 272 per kg. It has been possible just because of the efforts made by the BJP-IPFT government,” he said.
Deb feels that the presence of Padma Shri Thanga Darlong in the rally would definitely bring more glory to the BJP as well as inspire the Karyakartas.
Deb also said that he was overwhelmed by the love and support showered by the people during his Kailashahar visit on Monday. Meanwhile, the Chief Minister had lunch at the house of Josef Darlong after the poll rally.