Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb stressed on bringing the Maternal Mortality rate (MMR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and incidences of anemia down to zero level. Deb advised the medical officers and staff to work in this direction. Taking part in a review meeting of the Health and Family Welfare department, the Chief Minister suggested doctors and health personnel to spend at least one hour after scheduled duty hours with five common people and interact with them.
“Acceptability of medical personnel in our society is always at an elevated level and they play a crucial role in triggering changes in the society. That is why it is imperative that medicos display patience and listen to patients’ passionately”, Deb commented.
In this connection, the Chief Minister also said that the incumbent Government had taken initiative to augment quality of life of people including medical staff.
Referring to improving Mortality rates related parameters, Biplab Kumar Deb advised medical personnel to set a target to this end and work accordingly. Routine Immunization and other health initiatives should continue as per the schedule. Besides, he also stressed on maintaining the trend of taking care of children and elders as observed during Covid19 period.
He also underscored the need to make health care services more people-oriented. He directed the concerned officials to take step to bring to light the successful activities of different sub-divisional hospitals including Primary health care centers and Community Health Centers.
Speaking in the review meeting, Mission Director of NHM Dr Sidharth Jaswal focused on maintaining the services meant for essential and emergency health services.
Officials of the Health and family Welfare department presented district-wise data relating to number of patients in OPD and IPD, Infant mortality, institutional delivery, Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jana Arogya Yojana etc.
In the meeting, health personnel also discussed existing problems in delivering health services to people. The Chief Minister directed the Officials to solve the issues ensuring better health services across the State.