Tripura Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha addressed a gathering at the Labhyarti Sanmelan in Dhanpur Assembly Constituency on Friday and expressed his delight over the positive response of the people towards the state government's initiatives and schemes.
The Chief Minister highlighted the unwavering support received from the citizens, which he believes reflects their satisfaction with the functioning of the "double-engine government."
During the event, Dr. Manik Saha assured the public of the government's commitment to addressing the fundamental issues faced by the people. He said, "I have interacted with beneficiaries who expressed their contentment with the government's schemes. Their positive experiences and the benefits derived from both state and centrally sponsored initiatives signify the people's genuine satisfaction with our efforts."
Pledging to prioritize infrastructure development and attract investments during the financial year 2023-24, the Chief Minister revealed that significant funds have been allocated for this purpose. "We have allocated approximately Rs 69 crores for the 'Mukhyamantri Jana Arogya Yojana' to address health concerns, as nearly 99% of the people who approached me sought assistance for health-related issues," he stated.
Additionally, the government plans to establish drug rehabilitation centres in all districts and set up four new motor stands. Transport commissioner offices are also in the pipeline. Moreover, approximately Rs 30 crores have been earmarked for the development of Janajati communities, underscoring the government's focus on inclusive growth.
Highlighting the government's commitment to the welfare of indigenous people, the Chief Minister disclosed that a proposal has been sent to the Central government to rename the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) as Tipra Territorial Council (TTC).
"The state budget places significant emphasis on the development of tribal communities, and we aim to assess the progress made during the Pre and Post Modi era, which will serve as a subject for research," asserted Prof. Dr. Manik Saha. He also acknowledged Prime Minister Modi's efforts in bringing substantial development to the Northeast region, which had been neglected by previous governments.
Reiterating the government's commitment to transparency and social welfare, the Chief Minister emphasized, "Our Tripura government is dedicated to uplifting the most marginalized individuals in society. We believe that our transparent approach has earned us the unwavering support of the people."
The Labhyarti Sanmelan witnessed an enthusiastic audience, with local residents expressing appreciation for the state government's endeavours and voicing their endorsement for the "double-engine government." The event concluded with a sense of optimism for the state's future, as the government continues to prioritize the needs and aspirations of its citizens.