Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb held extensive discussions with designate next High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh Vikram Doraiswami on vital issues like setting up fruit processing units by Bangla investors at Special Economic Zone in Sabroom under South Tripura.
The Chief Minister apprised him that Tripura is surplus in natural gas and power production which is an important component for setting up industries.
He also emphasized on exporting tea and pineapple in Bangladesh markets and requested the designate next High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh to take up the issue with the Bangladesh government.
The Chief Minister held extensive discussions on such issues when Vikram Doraiswami came to meet him in his office at Secretariat on Saturday.
In the discussion, the Chief Minister pointed out that Bangladesh would get maximum benefit following Tripura’s access to Chittagong Port.
“The access with Chittagong Port will enable Bangladesh to export various products to Tripura and other North Eastern states creating employment opportunities for the people in the neighbouring country,” the Chief Minister said while requesting Doraiswami to highlight the matter to the Bangladesh government.
In the meantime, Deb also stressed on speedy completion of the works for widening the single road that connects Ramgarh with Chittagong Port.
In their meeting, the Chief Minister then emphasized on promotion of Tripura’s bamboo-made and handloom products in Bangladesh and setting up of testing lab in Tripura.
Their discussions also included various other important subjects like Agartala-Akhuara rail link project, diversion of metre-gauge rail line from Belonia to Feni into broad-gauge lines and removal of restrictions on export of products from Tripura to Bangladesh.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister was accompanied by director to Industries and Commerce department P.K. Goyal.
In the meantime, India Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Tripura Chapter) and All Tripura Merchants Association felicitated Vikram Kumar Doraiswami (Indian High Commissioner, Bangaldesh) in State Guest House, Agartala at 7:30pm .Sujit Roy gave a crest to Vikram Kumar Doraiswami on behalf of IBCCI Board president Md. Abdul Matlub Ahmed. Delegates who attended the meeting were IAS Kiran Gitte (Secretary, Industry Of Commerce), Government Of Tripura, ATMA president Tushar Chakraborty, IBCCI (Tripura Chapter) general secretary Sujit Roy, ATMA Organizing Secretary Prangopal Saha, Joint Secretary Abhijt Deb,Treasurer Ashoke Saha and other dignitaries.