In a heartwarming gesture, Chief Minister of Tripura, Dr. Manik Saha, responded to a plea made on social media by a schoolgirl and promised government assistance for her ailing father's medical treatment.
The plea was made by a social media user, who stated that Asmita Deb, a talented student in Class-IX at Shishu Bihar Higher Secondary School in Agartala, was facing difficulties in continuing her studies due to her father's medical treatment. Her father, Asish Deb, is in advanced stage of cancer.
After coming across the post on Facebook, the Chief Minister commented on the post and wrote that instructions were given to his office to contact the family and address the matter.
Within 24 hours of the comment, the schoolgirl had the opportunity to meet with the Chief Minister at his official residence.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister listened to her concerns and assured Asmita that all possible support would be provided for her father's treatment.
Besides, the Chief Minister took the time to speak with several other individuals who had come to meet him regarding various issues and problems. He listened attentively to their issues and grievances, and promised to take necessary steps to address them.
Meantime, in a recent press release by the government, it was announced that Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha will now meet people once in every week.
The press release added, those who wish to meet the Chief Minister may submit applications, along with their contact information, to the Chief Minister's Office in the Secretariat. The applicants will be informed of the date, time, and location of the meeting at a later time.
The Chief Minister's prompt response to the school girl's plea and his commitment to meeting with the public regularly evoked positive responses from the people. They appreciated both moves.