Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb travelled down his memory lane while he was visiting his school - Jamjuri HS+2 School under Gomati district on Monday. After visiting the school, Deb tweeted, “I went to Jamjuri HS+2 School. I studied in the school. I experienced a strange feeling after setting foot in the School after so many years. I have instructed the PWD and Education Department to construct a new building. I gave also instructed the TCA to make the school ground a mini stadium”. He also said, Rs 5 crore has already been sanctioned for the construction of new school building. Besides, beautification drive will be undertaken along both sides road from Ramesh Choumuhani to Jamjuri, Deb said.
As part of Mukhyamantri Adarsh Gram Abhiyan, Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb inaugurated Jamjuri Adarsh Gram scheme at Jamjuri gram panchayat under Kakraban RD in Gomati district today. The objective of Adarsh Gram is to ensure availability of various State and Central Government sponsored schemes, Deb said.
Launching the scheme, Deb said, Infrastructural development of a village is utmost necessity to become Adarsh gram or Smart village – this implies creation of health, education, drinking water and electrification facilities for citizens. Jamjuri gram panchayat has been able to provide these amenities for which this village has been announced as Adarsh Gram. In his speech, the Chief Minister also highlighted State Government’s activities pertaining to implementation of various developmental projects during last two-and-half years as well as upcoming activities in the village.
In this connection, Deb said, “Initiatives have been taken to construct buildings for Primary Health Center, Drinking Water and Power department on the northern side of Jamjuri lake (Dighi). Besides, Sukhsagar water body will be rejuvenated to make it suitable for fish cultivation using modern technology”. He also inaugurated ATM counter of Gramin Bank at Jamjuri.
Speaking about financial assistance programmes, Deb said, “A total of 235 beneficiaries of Jamjuri Panchayat will get Rs 6000 financial assistance under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sammannidhi Yojana.
The Chief Minister also visited Tutul Deb Bardhan’s house and inspected Bardhan’s ‘Ornamental Fish breeding center’ at Jamjuri. He also visited Jamjuri HS+2 School. Among others, Agriculture Minister Pranajit Singha Roy, MLAs Rampada Jamatia and Biplab Kumar Ghosh were present in the programme.