Oisho Bani Society ( OBS ) and Yuva Vikash Kendra ( YVK ) have come forward once again like last year during the second wave of covid 19 to feed the poor and hungry in Agartala.
As the State is passing through most part of the day and whole night under Night curfew, needy and underprivileged people are struggling to arrange a square meal for their family members.
Rickshaw pullers, daily wage earners, migrant workers as well as caretakers of patients in the hospitals are being provided a variety of meal items in the evenings.
Since May 29 last, the OBS and YVK officials led by FR. Jeevan Kennady, SVD, Debashis Majumder, Pinku Das along with volunteers - Porenjoy Reang, Anupam Debnath, and Pranab Deb are distributing 100 food packets at different locations in the city every day.
Each day different meals are being distributed like, chicken meal, egg rice, fried rice and veg Palau etc.
Since May 29 last, the Oisho Bani Society (OBS) and Yuva Vikash Kendra (YVK) officials led by FR. Jeevan Kennady, SVD, Debashis Majumder, Pinku Das along with volunteers - Porenjoy Reang, Anupam Debnath, and Pranab Deb are distributing 100 food packets at different locations in the city every day.
The food distribution will continue for some more days. The officials of the organizations said that they have the plan to distribute dry rations at different places in the state as well as it will create awareness on Covid appropriate behaviors and the importance of the vaccine. The program is supported by Missionsprokur St. Gabriel International, Austria.
Notably, OBS and YUK were engaged in providing relief materials and food items to underprivileged persons during the lockdown imposed in the Covid period in 2020.