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Tripura News Briefcase

Tripura : Oldest regional party INPT to merge with newly floated TIPRA Motha

In what seems to be a fresh twist in the regional politics, INPT-TIPRA combine that recorded a landslide victory in just concluded TTAADC elections is set to become one single political outfit soon.


Tipra-Motha-enewstimeTop guns of both the parties have unanimously decided that the INPT, the oldest regional political party at present in the state led by Bijoy Hrangkhawl, head of a former militant organization TNV, will be soon merged officially into Pradyot Kishore Debbarman led TIPRA to give a fillip to their united fight for the issue “Greater Tipraland'' and overall development of the TTAADC areas.
Addressing a press conference at Ujjayanta Palace, Debbarman said, “this is, perhaps, for the first time political parties are longing for an unification after the elections. Usually, alliances are mostly stitched prior to the polls not on ideology but on seat-arrangements. This post-poll announcement of the TIPRA-INPT alliance coming under the same political flag and symbol is quite significant and sends out a loud message across the country that united efforts can bring about big changes”.
According to him, after this “unification” only a few parties will be left behind that is not part of TIPRA. 
“My doors are open for all. Whenever, someone wants to come and join us for the larger interest of our people, they will be welcomed heartily and given enough respect. All those who have so far joined TIPRA or merged with it have been given the fitting respect and equal representation. We are committed for the development of our state, above all our people belonging to the Tiprasa, Bengali, Muslims, Manipuri communities in the TTAADC areas”, he said.
Lamenting over the present situation of TTAADC areas, he said, “I want to make everything public as to what has been going on the TTAADC since a prolonged period. The TTAADC has become an employment exchange, 85 percent of the funds allocated for TTAADC is being spent for the pay and perks of employees. The leftover money is not enough for initiating development activities. In the meeting with Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, I have categorically said that the call of Ek Tripura Srestha Tripura cannot see a sunshine if desired attention is not paid to TTAADC that accounts 70 percent of the geographical area of Tripura''


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