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Tripura News Briefcase

Tripura Opposition leader criticizes State Budget for neglecting job creation, allocating inadequate funds for TTAADC

Tripura State Assembly's Opposition leader and TIPRA Motha Party MLA, Animesh Debbarma, expressed his dissatisfaction with the 2023-24 Budget proposals presented by State Finance Minister Pranajit Singha Roy on Friday (July 7th).


While interacting with the media on Sunday, Debbarma gave his reaction on Budget proposals raising his concerns about the lack of emphasis on job creation and inadequate allocation for the development of the TTAADC. 


Tripura-Budget-TIPRA-Motha-AnimeshDebbarma criticized the budget, stating that it lacks substance and fails to provide a clear direction for creating job opportunities for unemployed youths.


One of Debbarma's main concerns was the allocation of funds for the Tripura Tribal Area Autonomous District Council (TTAADC).


He voiced his disappointment over the inadequate budget outlay for the development of the TTAADC, highlighting that only 2.7 percent of the total budget was allocated to an area where approximately 35 percent of the population resides.


He questioned the effectiveness of the proposed Rs 672 crore outlay for the TTAADC, emphasizing that a significant portion, Rs 580 crore, would be utilized for paying salaries and pensions, leaving only Rs 92 crore for developmental activities.


Debbarma further argued that the budget appeared hollow due to the disparity between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure. The allocation for capital expenditure, crucial for creating fixed assets, was significantly lower, which he believed would hinder growth prospects.


He also raised concerns about the Rs 611 crore deficit, stating that it would pose challenges in implementing various projects.


Moreover, the Opposition leader disputed the claims made in the budget regarding skill development. Referring to the Finance Minister's statement that over 22,000 youths were trained in different skills during the last five years, with many of them employed within and outside the state,


Debbarma demanded success stories of this youth to be released. He told the media persons and others to look around and find out if any of the unemployed youth got a job in any outside company.

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