The BJP-led Tripura Government is committed to ensure social security for the workers of the unorganized sectors by availing benefits of government schemes, Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb said in Agartala on Tuesday in a programme to launch a special drive for online registration of unorganized workers through e-Shram portal.
The special drive aims at enabling the workers of the unorganized sectors to register as well as renew registrations through the Common Service Centres (CSCs).
The e-Shram portal is an initiative by the Ministry of Labour for improving life and dignity of Labour force by protecting and safeguarding the interest of workers-- the portal aims at creating a national database of unorganized workers including migrant workers.
Addressing the programme at Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan in Agartala, the Chief Minister said the online portal would be beneficial for the unorganized workforce for registration of their names - it would reduce both time and cost.
Deb said there was no sincere effort by the previous government for the welfare and registration of the workers following political reasons. As a result, the government had to face difficulties for distribution of reliefs among the workers of the unorganized sector during Covid period.
The Chief Minister said the people don’t need to go to party office to get their work done; now the Common Service Centres (CSCs) are providing various services.
“Around 1200 CSCs are there in the state and almost all the facilities are active. Earlier, there were 400 CSCs in the state. Among them, less than 250 were active,” he said, adding that the persons who run the CSCs were unable to earn even Rs. 1000 but after introduction of 141 services, they are now earning Rs. 40,000.
Labour minister Bhagaban Das and many others were present in the programme while many of the participants enrolled through the e-Shram portal.