Instead of bombing readers with news, endeavours to provide readers a breathing space as well as provide Info that are inspirational, benefit job seekers and somehow enrich the readers.

The is a bi-lingual digital news site. The site became live in 2017 and at present, since July, 2020 the site consists of two parts: Present one and ‘Old Website’. Everything before July 2020 have been kept in ‘Old Website’. is run by an individual – a Journalist by profession of Tripura with the active help of several journos including senior journalists of the State. On top of that, being a subscriber of IANS news agency, we have plenty of multi-choice topics to offer to our esteemed readers. is a venture reach global audience from a tiny State Tripura.

The portal is working to provide relevant info on current affairs with focus on social, political, cultural issues of India, North East including Tripura. World info is another menu on the platter. Besides, Business, Health and Sports related info section will add variety. A separate ‘Feature/Article’ section has been incorporated. Prominent personalities, experts of different sectors as well as budding writers are contributing to ensure a unique experience for readers.

With so many news websites already exist, endeavours to provide a platform for stress free good reading.

Apart from help of journos, portal is supported and backed with ideas of contents by Pro-MASS – which is Information, Communication, Science and Technology based voluntary organization. It is primarily concerned with the problems faced by rural communities including tribal of Tripura of India. One of the constant endeavours of the organization is to spread KNOWLEDGE as social function to cater to the need of grassroot people – tribal and underprivileged section of the society.

Since its inception in 2017 till now, running expenses of are being met by its owner cum editor, donations of well wishers and individuals. With mounting costs, is looking for advertisements to cover additional burden.

We are working to promote new ideas, and initiatives and perspective behind current dynamics of social and cultural life. The objective behind this is to keep our mental faculty engaged in a creative manner.

The also promotes lifestyle and socio- cultural spectrum of the East and North East region of India. We are trying to highlight youth of the North East Region and the country and showcase their achievements.