A statue of Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur will be installed at the Zero Milestone near Kaman Chowmuhani in Agartala. Also, the Royal crematorium at Battala in Agartala will be renovated. Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha made the twin announcements at the State-level celebration of the 114th birth Anniversary of Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya in Agartala on Friday (Aug 19).
“When we say that the distance between Agartala and Udaipur is 50 km, many of us don’t know the starting point in Agartala. The zero milestone in Agartala is located near Masjid Patti; there is an Island. After holding discussions with the cabinet colleagues, I have decided to install a statue of Maharaja Bir Bikram at the zero milestone,” Dr. Saha said.
He also said the zero milestone would be developed with a new look and the Agartala Municipal Corporation will extend all necessary support.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister took a swipe at the previous Left front government and said development is not possible by distorting the history of princely Tripura. He said the LF government didn’t work for the development of Janajati people. But the BJP-IPFT government took several initiatives for the socio-economic development of the Janajati people.
He said, Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya, the architect of modern Tripura, always worked with a vision; bank and treasury were first established in the state by him and the State government is working to materialize Maharaja’s dream.
Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma called Maharaja Bir Bikram as the pride of Manikya dynasty. Dev Varma said, “Maharaja was a person of multiple talents, full of humanity and person of exemplary personality. Importantly, Kings of Tripura avoided publicity and were generous to his subjects”.
The Deputy Chief Minister also said culture and customs are the most valuable assets of Tripura.
Hailing the role of Maharaja, Information and Cultural Affairs Minister Sushanta Chowdhury said Bir Bikram sowed the seed of brotherhood among the tribal and non-tribal communities for the development of the State.
He reiterated that State Government is committed to work to realize the vision of Maharaja to ensure that no divisible forces gain a foot in the State.
Mayor Dipak Majumder ex-Speaker and MLA Rebati Mohan Das and Director of ICA department Ratan Biswas were present in the programme.