amidst covid gloom solace for new bishwaram para inhabitants
Tripura News Briefcase

Amidst Covid gloom, solace for New Bishwaram Para inhabitants

Amidst gloom and uncertainties due to Covid, people of an indigenous hamlet had a reason to smile. After a long agonizing wait for a decade; people of New Bishwaram Para under Gandachhera in Tripura now have access to drinking water. Ruling BJP Government sanctioned a tube well to cater the villagers and provide drinking water and ultimately, it was set up.


Tripura-adv-enewstime“We are already threatened by the surge in Corona cases across the State, water borne diseases pose another challenge – however, possibility of prevalence of such diseases will be much less with the provision of a tube well”, local sources said.   

New Bishwarampara was set up more than 10 years ago – in 2010 by regrouping the inhabitants. It is situated next to Gandachhera Degree College at Gandachhera under Dhalai District.

Around 11 families live in the hamlet. They are all members of the Reang tribe. The inhabitants of the hamlet are experiencing drinking water issues since the establishment of the new Bishwaram Para in 2010.

The inhabitants said that they had consistently urged the concerned authority for a solution to the water crisis in the village. However, all appeals fell on deaf ears and the crisis persisted for a decade.

As there was reliable water source, everybody in the hamlet, from children to elderly persons, had to drink polluted water from natural water sources like rivulets. Drinking contaminated water caused several water-borne diseases among the residents.

To meet the water crisis, a Mark-2 tube well has been built by the incumbent BJP government. The tube well has brought a much needed but long ignored facility for the people of the hamlet.

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