Former Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, amidst overwhelming public appreciation, said that he had started working for the organization today and the work will spread across the State.
The benefits of state and central government projects need to be made more accessible to the people. I have started working from today to strengthen party organization and I will spread it all over the state soon”, Deb said on Tuesday while attending an organizational meeting at his constituency in Banamalipur on Tuesday.
As the supporters continued to raise slogans hailing Deb, the ex-Chief Minister said, “I am not going away anywhere. People who are trying to harm the Government and the party organization deliberately, will not be tolerated”, he cautioned.
He continued and said, “From now, I have devoted my activities wholly to organizational matters”.
Deb also stressed the need to ensure that more benefits of the Central and State Governments reach the common people.
Outlining his plans, Deb said, he would reach to every corner of the State to get a ground-level experience relating to the implementation of welfare schemes of the Governments and remove the bottlenecks.
“My priority is to strengthen the party as well as fulfilling the aspirations of the common people”, he said.
This was his first visit to his constituency after he resigned from the Chief Ministership. Overwhelmed at the affection and warm welcome, Deb asserted that the unconditional love and affection of the people are his source of inspiration.