Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb dedicated 101 Paver Block made roads of the length of 55.62 km in North Tripura to the people of the State on Friday. These all-weather roads have been constructed covering 107 ADC villages.
Deb virtually dedicated the roads to the people in a programme organized at the North District DM’s office today.
Besides, the Chief Minister formally inaugurated a Paver block road at Tilthai under Jubarajnagar RD Block in the North Tripura district today.
After opening the Tilthai road, Deb said, “Good roads open new avenues of economic developments, we strive to uplift the socio-economic status of the people of Tripura. Apprised the people present on the development of the state.”
He also said, Government means people – from this viewpoint, everyone’s sincere effort is necessary for the maintenance of these roads.
Deb mentioned the State Government is working relentlessly for the welfare and development of the State. Along with initiatives for successful implementation of the Prime Minister’s HIRA model – of which road connectivity is a component – these Paver Block roads will give a boost in connecting rural hamlets, Deb tweeted.
The Chief Minister also attended an organizational meeting in the North district today. Addressing the party activists, Deb said, People’s consciousness will be awakened through successful implementation of different projects and keeping close contact with the last person of the society to ensure that the benefits of projects reach everyone.
Later, Biplab Kumar Deb attended the funeral rites of Former Speaker of the State Assembly and CPM MLA Ramendra Debnath. He went to the departed leader’s residence at Tilthai and extended sympathy to bereaved family members.
The Chief Minister also attended a religious programme organized as part of the observance of the 162nd birth anniversary of Sri Sri Ramthakur at Dharmanagar today.
Apart from the dedication of Paver Road to the people, the Chief Minister also inaugurated a slew of developmental projects including the inauguration of the newly constructed Sub-divisional Hospital Building and the new SDM building at Panisagar in North Tripura today. He also distributed Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana - Ayushman Bharat Card to the beneficiaries today.