Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha took part in the statewide plantation of 5 lakh saplings in 5 minutes drive on Friday.
Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Ek Ped, Maa Ke Naam" initiative, Chief Minister Professor Dr. Manik Saha participated in the statewide program organized by the Forest Department on Friday to plant 500,000 saplings in 5 minutes.
As part of this program, the Chief Minister distributed saplings among the residents at the main event held in Taranagar, Mohanpur. This initiative saw widespread enthusiasm among the public.
Earlier, motivated by the Prime Minister’s example and the urgent need to combat climate change as well as environmental degradation, the Tripura School Education Department devised 'Ek ped maa ki naam' special drive and directed the District Education Officers to implement the special plantation drive in their respective districts.
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The 'Ek ped maa ki naam' initiative mandated every school student to plant at least one sapling, named after their mother, and to nurture it throughout the year.
The main objective of the initiative is to combat the adverse effects of environmental exploitation, such as heat waves and rising temperatures, by encouraging widespread tree planting in schools and surrounding communities. Apart from planting a sapling, the initiative also aims at nurturing and caring the plants.
(Tripura, Tripura News)