pm modi virtually launches 75 dbus including two in tripura
Tripura News Briefcase

PM Modi virtually launches 75 DBUs including two in Tripura

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated 75 Digital Banking Units (DBUs) across the 75 district including two in Tripura to the nation through video conferencing on Sunday (October 16).


enewstime-PM-DBUs-Tripura-PNB-Union-BankIn Tripura, one of these two digital banking units is Union Bank of India Bank of India in Agartala and the other one is Punjab National Bank (PNB) at Gakulpur Bazaar in Udaipur.


ICA Minister of Tripura, Sushanta Chowdhury, TIDC Chairman Tinku Roy and other officials of the Bank attended the virtual inauguration of Agartala Union Bank of India’s digital branch. In Udaipur, State Agriculture Minister Pranajit Singha Roy, PNB officials and other dignitaries attend the video conferencing.


Speaking about the inauguration of the DBUs, ICA Minister Sushanta Chowdhury said, commemorating the completion of 75 years of independence, 75 DBUs were launched in 75 districts of the country today.  


Total 11 public sector banks, 12 private sector banks and one small financial institution have participated in this initiative. Sushanta Choudhury hailed PM Narendra Modi adding that DBU is a big step in the direction of ease of living for the citizens.


PM-DBUs-Tripura-PNB-Union-BankChowdhury said, “These DBUs will provide people with a variety of digital banking facilities such as opening savings accounts, checking account balances, printing passbooks, fund transfers, fixed deposit investments, loan applications, credit or debit card applications and bill and tax payments. It will even be possible to apply for a loan from the digital banking unit”.


Agriculture Minister Pranajit Singha Roy too echoed the same and thanked the Prime Minister for launching DBUs in Tripura. He expressed hope and opined that people of different profession including businessmen, farmers and common people will benefit in various ways through the DBUs.


Addressing virtually, PM Narendra Modi said, “People living in small towns and villages will find the benefits like transferring money to availing loans. Digital Banking Units (DBUs) are another big step in that direction, which is going on in the country to make the life of common man of India easier”.


Modi said, the aim of the government is to empower the common citizen and make them powerful, and as a result, policies were made keeping in mind the last person and the entire government moving in the direction of their welfare.

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