Indo-Bangla discussions, particularly on connectivity issues during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent Bangladesh visit will fetch several positive outcomes for Tripura and the other Northeastern States. Speaking at a panel discussion on “Activating BBIN connectivity for shared prosperity” organized by FICCI Northeast as part of its Annual Meeting at Guwahati on Wednesday, experts pointed out about the initiatives like the opening of MaitriSetu connecting Feni of Bangladesh via Tripura and Northeastern States, rail connectivity and air connectivity etc. According to experts, the connectivity related steps would yield shared prosperity of NE States as well as BBIN countries.
Chairman of FICCI Northeast Advisory Council, RanjitBarthakur, “while no new agreements were signed, the statement of intent by the leaders of both countries should go a long way in improving connectivity and sub-regional cooperation” he added.
He also welcomed the proposal for establishing direct road connectivity between Guwahati and Chattogram and from Mahendraganj in Meghalaya to Hill in West Bengal.
He further said “the decision taken to operationalize the BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement by signing an Enabling MoU between Bangladesh, India, and Nepal, with provision for Bhutan to join later, is a very positive development for Northeast India, as it will open up many new avenues for business.
Speaking at the same panel discussion, Ambassador GautamMukhopadhay former Ambassador of India to Myanmar said “undoubtedly, BBIN countries form a coherent group because of their unique correlation with the Himalayan ecosystem, riverine ecosystem as well maritime ecosystem. The idea of shared prosperity can be established only when the shared resources are utilized well”
Ambassador Tariq Karim, former High Commissioner of Bangladesh to India said with proper connectivity “Bangladesh and Northeast India could become a Connecting Bridge with ASEAN”. He also stressed the need for multimodal connectivity.
Another overriding theme of the discussions during the Annual meeting of FICCI was that of Sustainability. A FICCI release said, “the Northeast Advisory Council and Assam State Council of FICCI, has decided to work with the Government and Industry for creating an ecosystem for sustainable development, by embracing and promoting green technologies, green business ideas and green policies.
The FICCI Councils also welcomed, DipankarBarua, Managing Director, Landmark Hotels as the new Chairman of FICCI Assam State Council.