The State Government has announced a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to family members of deceased Srikanta Das who was killed in a firing during anti-Bru resettlement agitation at Panisagar on Saturday. Besides, to access the situation, Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb held an urgent meeting with Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Verma soon after the violence erupted at Panisagar on Saturday.
Addressing a press conference, Law minister Ratanlal Nath said that the meeting was also attended by the Police Chief, Addl. DGP and Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister.
He said that the chain of events that Panisagar witnessed since morning was ‘painful’. One person died and 19 more sustained injuries in the incidents.
Sources said, Srikanta Das was a resident of Dasda under Kanchanpur and he came to join road blockade programme at Panisagar today. The injured persons included 4 policemen, 3 TSR personnel and 8 fire fighters. Among them, three critically injured persons were shifted to GBP hospital, Nath added.
The Law minister said that a magisterial probe was ordered into the police firing incident and also the District Magistrate, North Tripura was asked to announce compensation of Rs. 5 lakh to the deceased’s family. Besides, the state government would bear the medical expenditure for injured persons, Nath told the Media.
On another note, the Law Minister also spoke about Cabinet decision on teachers’ recruitment. He said, the council of ministers has approved recruitment of around 4000 teachers.
Nath said that a proposal was already sent to the Teachers’ Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT) for recruitment of 3841 teachers.
“The figure included 2116 Graduate Teachers (UR-1005, ST-646, SC-329, PH-88 and Ex-Servicemen- 48), 1725 Under Graduate Teachers (UR-819, ST-531, SC-268, PH 70 and Ex-Servicemen- 37). The government will follow reservation policy in the recruitment drive,” Nath told the Media.
In the meantime, the Minister said that another proposal for recruitment of 175 Graduate Teachers (Class- IX, X) and 75 Post Graduate Teachers would soon be sent to the TRBT.
According to the Minister, the state government proposed inclusion of 20 more schools under CBSE. As many as 5895 students are there in the 20 schools, he added.