President of India Droupadi Murmu launched the Ayushman Bhav Abhiyan through a virtual event on Wednesday. Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya, along with governors and chief ministers from various states, participated in a virtual launch event to support the Ayushman Bhav scheme.
Chief Minister of Tripura, Dr. Manik Saha, and other officials attended today's virtual launch of Ayushman Bhav Abhiyan at the State Secretariat.
The initiative aims to provide healthcare coverage to every segment of society, ensuring that healthcare reaches even the most marginalized individuals, said Dr Saha.
During the event, the Chief Minister also initiated the Ayushman Bhav program at the state level in Tripura. The central government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, launched this ambitious project to deliver healthcare services in rural and urban areas and raise awareness about various health services among the masses.
As part of the Ayushman Bhav Abhiyan, a unique campaign called "Seva Pakhwada" will be observed in three phases from September 17, which marks the Prime Minister's birthday, to October 2, Gandhi Jayanti. This phase will include Ayushman Apke Duar (Healthcare at Your Doorstep), Ayushman Mela (Healthcare Fair), and Ayushman Sabha (Healthcare Assembly), as outlined by the Chief Minister.
Dr. Saha also highlighted the Tripura government's dedicated efforts to strengthen healthcare infrastructure at state, district, and sub-divisional hospitals, ensuring access to healthcare for all residents.
Furthermore, he mentioned the presence of Medical Colleges, Dental College, Nursing College, and other health institutions in Tripura, with plans to develop a medical hub. Investors are increasingly expressing interest in the state's healthcare sector, according to Dr. Saha.
Following the state-level program's launch, Chief Minister Dr. Saha felicitated three Ni-kshay Mitras for their support to TB patients and three individuals for their unwavering commitment to organ donation.
The Ayushman Bhava Abhiyan represents a significant step towards achieving universal healthcare coverage and improving healthcare accessibility for all citizens.
Apart from Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha, the virtual event was attended by Chief Secretary J.K. Sinha, Health Secretary Dr. Debashis Basu, and Tripura Mission Director of NHM D.K. Chakma, among other dignitaries.