Farmer’s income has increased to Rs 11 thousand 93 in Tripura which used to be Rs 6 thousand earlier. Northeastern states including Tripura is forging ahead with the proper direction shown by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Tripura will witness a new direction in coming days. People want to take Tripura towards new direction, said Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb after launching TRTC website and logo and inaugurating two bus services as well as a blood donation camp at TRTC Head office in Krishnanagar on Friday.
For the first time in Tripura among the Northeastern states, digital payment system has been started in government bus services. From now onwards, the passengers will be able to commute in TRTC and TUTCL buses through epayment using PhonePe App.
The Chief Minister in the inaugural programme said, the present government works with Niyat, Niti, Niyam. The government is working for the overall development of the state with clean mentality. Developmental work plans of the state and central government are being implemented with transparency rising above party preferences. One needs to have positive attitude while working. The state government is working with this attitude for the overall development of the state. The Chief Minister also said, the government is arranging 100 Vidyajyoti schools under CBSE for quality education of the students for which 500 crore rupees has been allotted from the state budget. This has been never
done before. The government has even brought forward the blueprint of development in Tripura for the next 25 years.
Transport Minister Pranajit Singha Roy in his welcome speech said, there is no comparison to blood donation in service to humanity. Different clubs, organizations, private organizations are coming forward to organize blood donation camps. There was a time when TRTC was on the verge of dying. It has stood back again with the efforts of the Chief Minister. He also lauded efforts of the employees in this regard.
Others present in the programme were Mayor of Agartala Municipal Corporation Dipak Majumdar, Chairman of Khadi and Village Industries Board Rajib Bhattacharjee, TIDC Chairman Tinku Roy, Principal Secretary of Transport department L. H Darlong, TRTC MD Rajesh Kumar Das and others. The Chief
Minister and other guests later visited blood donation camp.
The Chief Minister inaugurated two air-conditioned bus services Agartala- Khowai and Agartala-Sabroom. 18 persons donated blood in the blood donation camp.