Swarnim Vijay Mashaal, the Victory Flame marking the golden jubilee in India’s military triumph over Pakistan, reached Agartala in Tripura on Friday. Tripura Chief Minister will dedicate the Swarnim Vijay Mashaal to people of Tripura at a function in Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhawan in Agartala on Saturday at 12 noon.
The Victory Flame is moving across the country as part of the Vijay Varsh Celebration. Prime Minister Narendra Modi lit the Victory Flame in New Delhi on December last signaling the beginning of the Celebration. India is celebrating the Vijay Varsh to mark the 50 years of India’s glorious victory in the war against Pakistan. The Victory Flame will leave Tripura on November 9 next.
The Victory Flame reached at Nandan Nagar near Don Bosco School today at around 11 am. Indian Army Jawans of 57 Mountain Artillery Division and the students gave a warm reception to the Swarnim Vijay Mashaal today. Later, Olympian Dipa Karmakar received the Victory Flame at the Chanmari HQ of the Mountain Division of the Indian Army.
“I am honoured and overwhelmed to get an opportunity to hold the glorious Victory Flame which is demonstrating India’s emphatic win against Pakistan as well as sacrifice of Indian jawans”, Karmakar said.
The Swarnim Vijay Mashaal will be paraded around city roads and reach Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhawan. It is scheduled to bring the Mashaal at Albert Ekka Park in Lichubagan tomorrow. Lance Nayak Ekka was martyred in the battle of Ganganagar near Agartala – however, his valour and courageous fight saved the Agartala city.
Notably, Tripura played a crucial role in the 1971 India-Pakistan war. Indian army launched a couple of operation from Tripura which dealt decisive blows to Pak Soldiers. While Indian brave hearts fought fiercely against the Pak army from the soil of Tripura, people of the state extended cooperation to Mukti Jaddha Bahini who also fought against Pak Army and helped Indian Army.
It will be a big occasion and honour for the people of the State as the Chief Minister will dedicate the Victory Flame to Tripura tomorrow.