Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Monday visited several barracks of Tripura State Rifles (TSR) and inspected various facilities. He also interacted with the force personnel during the visit.
Deb checked various facilities like accommodation, kitchen, drinking water and toilet facilities etc while visiting the TSR company headquarters under the first and second battalions.
“When a Chief Minister meets the force personnel, it encourages them towards work with responsibility,” the Chief Minister said, adding that he had visited the TSR barracks to know about the ground reality.
While Deb was visibly happy with the vegetable cultivation in some of the barracks, he had also identified the shortcomings and passed necessary instructions to the officials.
“Interacted with brave personnel of TSR and scrutinized the situation of the camp. Asked the officials to take all the necessary steps to improve the conditions of the camp”, Deb tweeted.
As part of his visit, the Chief Minister took part in Sainik Sammelan and interacted with the force personnel. He was apprised about various problems of the TSR personnel. Deb also took lunch with the force personnel and commented that it was a joyful experience.
“I am glad to have a meal with the brave-hearts of the #Tripura State Rifles at Borakha TSR Company Headquarter today. It was a joyful experience. Here are few glimpses”, CM wrote in a social media post.
The Chief Minister visited various TSR company headquarters at Abhicharan, Barkathal, Borakha and Binankobra in West District on Monday.
Later in a social media post, Deb appreciated the role of the elite force- Tripura State Rifles (TSR) in various fields including counter insurgency operations.
He also mentioned that some matters related to the interests of the force were under consideration of the state government.