Tripura Gramin Bank (TGB), overcoming the Covid19 turmoil registered a net profit of worth Rs 133.61 crore in 2020-21 FY. Also, braving Pandemic induced lockdowns and subsequent economic sluggishness, managed to downsize the gross NPA to 7.98 per cent as on December 31, 2020 and total networth of the bank crossed Rs 1010.59 crore during the quarter ended in December 2020. Tripura Gramin Bank Chairman Mahendra Mohan Goswami this in Agartala on Thursday. He also said, TGB topped among the North Eastern (NE) Region Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
Notably, among the seven Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) operating in the North Eastern Region, Tripura Gramin Bank (TGB) ranked first in 2019-20 as per basic parameters like net profit etc.
There are a total of 45 RRBs in the country including TGB and at the All India level, TGB topped in ‘Productivity of Branch’ and ‘Staff Cost’ parameters while bagged the 2nd position in CRAR, Productivity of Staff and Return on Asset parameters. Out of the total 45 RRBs, the TGB occupied 5th Position in terms of Net profit. However, in all of these parameters Tripura Gramin Bank (TGB) secured top position among the 7 NE RRBs. The Chairman of TGB also said, TGB is well capitalized amongst all the RRBs operating in the country.
Ascribing success to high standard of ethical practices and dedication of staff, Goswami pointed out that TGB regularly conduct special Financial Literacy camps. Harnessing skills of bank staff along with consumer friendly approach gave the bank an edge.
“On an average, every TGB branch has 5 staff and TGB is not facing shortage of staff at this moment”, Goswami said. Talking about setting up new branches, he said, TGN would set up Ultra Small branches at Hapania in West Tripura and Kalsi in South Tripura. He also pointed out that TGB had registered net profit on Y-to-Y basis from 2012-13 FY.
Giving an example of consumer friendly attitude, Goswami said, “After relaxation of Covid19 restriction, we held several credit delivery camps, instead of going after organizing loan recovery camps”. In this connection, he also mentioned, “Due to the Covid 19, the bank faced serious problems in credit facility extension. For the first two quarters, the bank failed to expand its credit facility base but after the lockdown was lifted the bank focused on sanctioning new loans to make the money reach people”.
Tripura Gramin Bank (TGB) has sanctioned a new scheme to facilitate the landless farmers of the state. Through this scheme, altogether 2,287 JLGs (Joint Liability Groups) were formed and loans were sanctioned to a total of 9,814 individuals of worth Rs 40.48 crore. Apart from that, the bank has also sanctioned a considerable amount of loan under various projects such as SHG, Manufacturing units, Diary, piggery, poultry, fisheries MSME sector, Stand Up India and other projects, Goswami concluded.