Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb urged the people of the state to buy locally made products keeping in view the PM Narendra Modi’s slogan ‘Vocal for Local’. The Chief Minister today met with the local artisans, SHG, cooperative society and handloom caterer representatives in his residence to encourage the local artisans for the occasion of the forthcoming Diwali festival. He spoke with them and looked up the products. While answering the media he said, “Seeing the Covid-19 situation, the government is planning to implement a new scheme named ‘Swanirbhar Parivar Yojana’ which will be commencing very soon.”
In this regard, the Chief Minister told the media, “The blueprint of this scheme will be ready in the coming 2 to 3 months.” He stressed upon prioritizing locally made products as far as possible while shopping to uplift and strengthen the economy of the state. He also said, “The Government of Tripura has decided to take necessary steps to provide only locally made sarees to the ASHA and Anganwadi workers rather than purchasing them from outside the state in order to support our hard-working and talented artisans. The government is also taking steps to strengthen the quality of the trade and to make it possible to market the locally made products with ease through which the local artisans will be benefitted.” The Prime Minister has today urged the nation to buy only locally made products in the forthcoming Diwali festival. The Chief Minister expresses his hope that the people of the state will not only follow this during Diwali but also in the post-festival time.
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The Chief Minister said, “Steps are being taken to provide direct benefits to the farmers under the Central Government’s new Farmer’s Bill. As a result, the broker (middlemen) culture will vanish”. He also said, “Steps are also being taken to revive old foundations of the state. Mata Tripureshwari imprinted garments will be available at Matabari, Udaipur. The State Government is planning to start the culture to clad oneself in these garments and perform puja. As a result, both the tourism and handloom industry will benefit from this.
Bolai Goswami, Chairman, Tripura Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited and women representatives from 13 SHG, cooperative society, handloom clusters were present in the meet.