Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Saturday expressed concerns over the rapid increase in Covid19 cases, explicitly, in the bordering regions like Khowai, Gomati and Sepahijala districts. In the view of the present situation, he said that the state government might extend a “strict” and “full-fledged” lockdown in the state in order to put a check on the spike in Covid19 cases. He urged people to strictly follow the guidelines issued by the State and Central Governments.
“We would be able to prevent Covid19 transmission if we maintain social distancing, use mask and stop venturing out of home without genuine requirements”, Deb said.
Biplab Kumar Deb who was addressing a programme of newly launched Chief Minister’s Corona prevention and immunization drive, also said, “The numbers are higher in the bordering areas like Khowai and Gomati. The state government is contemplating to intensify border vigil and curfew in the bordering areas by confining the time limit for venturing out for those reasons in specific. There may be a strict lockdown for the sake of better Covid containment”.
“We are holding discussions frequently to chalk out new strategies. There may be some added up restrictions in the bordering areas, the time limit of night curfew can be further extended. Proposals are also coming from different district heads for better management of the situation we are confronting right now”, the Chief Minister told the gathering”, Deb said.
The Chief Minister also informed people that rapid antigen tests—community testing drives at every locality to understand the real inside situation would begin within a few days.
“This month is very crucial for us. All we can do is to maintain the restrictions and follow social distancing until and unless a permanent relief to this virus comes out. The lockdown of last Sunday has been a successful drive and now it is time to begin the community testing. Officials will now visit every locality, village and Talukas with rapid testing kits”, he added.
BJP National General Secretary Ram Madhav who had also participated in the programme described Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb as a hard-working Chief Minister working on the terms of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“Biplab Deb is conscious about Tripura that in every meeting with the Prime Minister, he has sought the attention of the government of India for making Tripura a model state in terms of trade and commerce. His works are directed towards the vision of ‘Atma Nirbhar’ slogan raised by the Prime Minister '', Madhav said hailing Tripura government for putting forth an effective fight in face of this pandemic situation.
He hailed the Chief Minister’s Corona prevention and immunization drive where best-performing SHGs of every ward distributes Vitamin C enriched pineapples and lemon juice to common people. The objective to distribute Vit-C enriched fruit is to develop immunity among the mass. In an indirect effect, the drive has also benefitted pineapple and lemon growers as well.