An enhanced human asset will only be built with the proper development of the health and mental wellness of children and adolescents. Today’s children and adolescents are tomorrow’s good citizens of the country, said Chief Minister Prof. (Dr.) Manik Saha after inaugurating the State-Level programme of Mukhyamantri Sustha Shaishab, Sustha Kaishor 3.0 at Rabindra Bhawan on Saturday (Sep 3).
He said, physical and mental development occurs in boys and girls mainly when they are growing. There are about 39% of children and adolescents in the country. The present government is working to ensure the good health of children and adolescents.
The Chief Minister said, health is wealth and that is why prevention is better than cure. He said, children and adolescents, will be able to tackle disease only when their immunity is improved. That is why, Mukhyamantri Sustha Shaishab, Sustha Kaishor (MSSSK) program has been taken up. Different departments under the state government are working towards implementing the program.
This government is consistent in delivering all kinds of health services throughout the country. Such program has never been arranged in such an elaborate manner in previous days. However, the present central and state government have been taking different initiatives tirelessly to keep everyone healthy. The Chief Minister called upon the youth to keep away from addiction.
Under this program, from September 5 till 8, the teaching staff, Anganwadi workers, MPW, ASHA workers will feed medicines to students of educational institutions, Anganwadi Centres and college level students. The Anganwadi workers and ASHA workers will feed medicines on September 9 till 15 to students who may have missed the program.
The Chief Minister fed medicine to a few students in the programme. Students were also vaccinated in the programme in presence of the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister awarded officials of different hospitals and health care centres of the state in the programme.
Chief Secretary J. K. Sinha, Director of Social Welfare & Social Education Dr. Sidharth Shiv Jaiswal, Director of School Education department Chandni Chandran also spoke on the occasion. Welcome speech was delivered by Director of National Health Mission Subhashish Das and Vote of Thanks was delivered by Director of Health department Dr. Subhashish Debbarma.